The CRCT scores in Georgia came out early this week. According to the scores 20 to 40% of 5th and 6th graders did not pass the history part of the CRCT. What does this mean? It means to me that the criterion tests that our children have to take is too much for them to digest. Tests have shown that some students do well in the classroom, but when it comes time to take a test on what they learned, they are nervous and do not test well. Another factor is that the elementary school teachers focus on math and reading not social studies. However, in middle school, students take the crct test that focus on social studies. All the subject matter that elementary school teachers teach will always focus on the part of the crct test that will be given.
Our students should not be subject to material in the classroom that is driven based on the crct period. It should be a well rounded curriculum. So now we are seeing the effects of how our criterion tests and classroom learning is not a measure of how students successful learn.
anonymous high school teacher