Thursday, December 30, 2010

Why is Pizza Always on The Menu

MIAMI - AUGUST 06:  Meaghan Cooligan bites int... Why is pizza always on the school menu? Every school I have attended pizza was always on the school menu. Cheese and bread is the worst thing you could feed these kids. Students already have a poor diet and addingcheese and bread to menu like pizza is not good either.

Effects of Junk Food Pizza On My Mind And Body

One of the lowest points i have ever felt was sitting in the bath after eating this complete shite. Do yourself a favour, watch your diet, eat healithy and your body will look after you. Video Rating: 5 / 5. Order your Dominos Pizza ...

An Introduction to Body Cleansing and Toxins

And unfortunately, risk factors, such as age, health, gender and nutrition can greatly exaggerate any negative effects that these toxins may have on the body. What's the best way to tackle this problem? A full body cleanse. ... from the body. With changing times our lives have become very hectic and stressful. The eating habits have also changed considerably over few years and major portion of our diet now includes of low fibre food like pizza, burger and junk food. ...

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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Processed Food

The updated USDA food pyramid, published in 20...Image via Wikipedia
Processed food is killing are babies inside the public school system. Process foods like cheese, bread, milk, and meat really bad on the kids diet. Kids are being feed alot of food that is bad on their body. Eating these types of process foods also effects the learning of the student. Students are being feed food that is really not healthy for them.

The school board really needs to take a serious look at the food being feed to our children. An increase budget for school menus need to be taken into consideration. Junk food along with process foods are a large part of the school diet.

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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Water Should Be Part of The Lunch Menu

Processed cheese slices individually wrapped i...Image via Wikipedia Kids who eat school lunches are feed the worst food. Process cheese, milk, and bread are among the food that is given to the children at most elementary, middle, and high schools. I think with all that stuff being feed that the children need to have a large intake of fresh clean pure water added to the menu so that they can clean their systems out from eating all the wrong stuff.

The body needs to be able to needs to be flushed out in order for it to operate correctly.
Water is the key to making all that stuff happen and keeping children regular with having constant bowl movements and releasing all the toxins from the skin. W

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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The Effects of Sugar on Kids Learning

Does sugar effect a childs ability to learn? Many people have no clue what sugar does to a person's ability to learn. If you are a Teacher you many kids come into class with sweets, sodas, and junk food. Sugar creates a rush to the blood stream and then a rush to the brain which causes a child to be hyper, or over active. Its hard for learning to take place inside the classroom when a student brain has just been hit with a rush of glucose to the brain. Focusing on assignments are hard when you are juiced up on drugs . Sugar is a good in small amounts but not like most kids get it a very large dose. Learning is a problem when sugar comes into the classroom.

Learning how to eat...

Seeing what sugar does to the body was an eye opening experience. It effects all of our systems. Sure, we need sugar, it gives us energy. But, too much of it is disastrous to our health. In a very small nutshell, these are the main ...

How blood sugar affects you Power Juicing

Understanding the role blood sugar plays in our physical and mental health is an important part of addressing our overall health. Learning the causes of fluctuations, and consciously controlling our diet and exercise is all part of ...

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

School Luch Reform

A basket of french friesImage via Wikipedia School lunches are the worst. I have noticed that the menu they serve to the kids is filled with process cheese, white riand a host of other bad food items.


Victory! House Passes School Lunch Reform Bill Sustainable Food ...

Wave goodbye to processed chicken nuggets, soggy french fries, and sugary drinks in cafeterias. School lunches are about to get a much-needed overhaul. In a big win yesterday for sustainable foodie... Read more of this post, Victory!

Why School Lunch Reform Must Pass This Week Sustainable Food ...

UPDATE 12/02/10: The House voted in favor of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act, ushering in school lunch reform. The move came after more than 15000 members signed a petition supporting... Read more of this post, Why School ...

School Lunch Reform – Our second meeting What's Cooking With Kids

As we walked into our second school lunch advisory meeting last night, we were met with trays of breakfast items that are currently being served in our school district. In my eagerness to capture our entire journey of school food reform ...

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Thursday, December 2, 2010

Atlanta Public May Loose Its Accreditation

COLLEGE PARK, GA - DECEMBER 20: Artists Akon's...Image by Getty Images via @daylife Atlanta Public Schools is under firer for its handling of test. A recent news cast showed that Atlanta Board of Education may loose its accreditation's and board members may be fired for lack of job performance. The Governor Mr. Nathan Deal has taken off from where Governor Sunny Barnes left off. Governor Deal is ready to bring in the state board in to firer board members if the Atlanta Board of Education can't fix its problem. Mayor Kasim Reed believe that he is taking the right steps to keep Atlanta Board of Education from losing its accreditation's.

Dr Hall and The Impressions "You've Been Cheatin"

This video was shot on location in Atlanta, Georgia and Produced By Biscuits N Gravy Productions. The Atlanta Public Schools system is plagued with widespread cheating on state standardized tests, wildly inaccurate graduation rate data and misleading...

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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

School Hostage Crisis

High School hostage crisis has shown its ugly head again. Students were held hostage by a fifteen year old student who ended up hurting a few others and took his own life. Many said that the student didn't want to hurt anyone ,but some how lost his cool during the ordeal.


Friday, November 26, 2010

Is Social Media Dumbing Down Our Kids

'Author:Image via Wikipedia Have you ever noticed how when you meet a young teenager they seem not to get what you are talking about? I have noticed that every since Social Media became popular the students are getting dumber and dumber. For example, text messaging is broken up with letters and numbers that don't even make sense. You never get someone who can type a complete sentence or even communicate in the right manner. I have noticed that sites like Twitter and Facebook have made education second priority, because the youth seem to have lost the basic skills of writing and critical thinking.
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Monday, November 22, 2010

Organized Teachers and Classroom

Organized Education

Many teachers through out the Atlanta Public School System seem to have a tough time when it comes to keep behavior problems down due to unorganized planning and effective classroom etiquette. I have noticed that the more organized the teacher is and the less problems she has inside the classroom. For example Ms. Cannon at North Atlanta high school has to be the most effective school teacher in the state. She is so well organized that kids sign in if they are late etc. which allows her to just concentrate on teaching. Here are a few steps that will help you in becoming and organized teacher.

  • 1. Buy a binder to organize your paperwork. Find one that you really like since you'll carry it with your everywhere. Use dividers labeled "calendar," "gradebook," "lesson plans," "class info," "seating charts" and "miscellaneous." You can add other sections, if desired, but keep it manageable or your binder will become too bulky to carry. Make sure to create a nice cover or label--some way for you to quickly identify your notebook from any others laying around.

  • 2. Add a pouch to your binder to hold essentials, such as pens and sticky notes. Use the sticky notes to jot quick notes to yourself or add things to your calendar or lesson plan quickly. Also add a plastic pocket to hold things that you need to file loose papers.

  • Read more: How to Be an Organized Teacher |

    Wednesday, November 17, 2010

    U.S. Schools Plans on Raising Cost

    SAN FRANCISCO - AUGUST 05:  Nurses and hospita...Image by Getty Images via @daylife
    Students are upset about new information to raise tuition in colleges and Universities. The economy has really made tuition sky rocket for college and university students. Most students are in need of financial support to pay for their education all ready.

    Current News

    UC students protest plan to hike education costs by 8 percent ...

    At the University of California San Francisco campus Wednesday, students confronted police during protests over a proposal to hike tuition and fees by 8 percent. Police arrested 16 demonstrators who tried to cross a police barricade at ...

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    Monday, November 15, 2010

    The American Education System vs. The Chinese School System seems to be the topic of conversation for the new global economy. The American government are trying to compete with the education of the Chinese community by placing new standards on the American school children.

    Record number of Chinese students flock to US colleges – CSMonitor ...

    Last year, nearly 130000 Chinese students studied in the US – a record number, and a 30 percent increase from the year before. That Chinese desire for a US education also helped drive an overall increase in foreign students studying ...

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    China vs. US Education The difference in education standards between Chinese and American students.

    US Schools to enforce students must learn in Chinese - China takeover of United States?

    Schools in Arizona are starting immersion programs that mandate that students in public schools learn at least 50% of their studies in Mandarin Chinese. That means that half of their school day each day will be taught to the them in Chinese instead o...

    Chinese Education: Social Life and Work Ethic

    Created by Thinking Beyond Borders students in Kunming and Shaxi in China.

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    Saturday, November 13, 2010

    School Discipline is A Problem

    I have noticed since working in the schools that many students around the Atlanta Public Schools System are out of control. The school discipline in middle schools and high schools are crazy and becoming a growning problem by the minute. I have noticed since being inside the Atlanta Public School system that the discipline problem is really growing by leaps and bounds. Now this does not apply to all schools but a large part of the system seems to let the children get away with murder. Hall monitors are hard to find when trouble breaks out and getting someone to come a remove a student from your classroom is like trying to hit the lottery.

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    School turnaround: Leader of an urban system wants to do it ...

    There are a number of problems with the southside Atlanta Schools that make learning difficult…..1) they are mostly in a lower socioeconomic class and, 2) their parents don't care, 3) drugs are everywhere, users and sellers. ... discipline problems, dropouts, and even bullies. In a collaborative school culture, kid's intrinsic motivation can be greatly preserved; none need suffer at the hands of adults in the school. In a competitive school culture, adults in the school ...

    Publish Date: 11/05/2010 18:57

    Monday, November 8, 2010

    A Generation of Idiots

    It seems like the american educational system is not getting any better. The American youth today don't seem bright as pass generations. Kids today don't seem to have reasoning skills like children from earlier generations. The culture we live in doesn't seem to push the educational aganda. Most of the kids from the this generations don't really seem to know what to real education is and how to go about getting it.

    George Carlin – Dumbed Down Education You Tube Videos ...

    19 Responses to “George Carlin – Dumbed Down Education”. cryostation says: October 5, 2010 at 7:34 am. Carlin is absolutely correct. i laugh at all these obama high retards. obama is just as much special interests as anybody else in ... If your a critical thinker in America your destroyed economically. Fuck Corporations! END THE PAPER PONZI DOLLARS ARE DEBT. JGMusicFactory says: October 5, 2010 at 1:11 pm. If you hate Carlin then you must be one of the fucking idiots that ...

    Publish Date: 10/05/2010 3:19

    Dumb Down of America, as Espoused by Rush Limbaugh « Epiphanyblog

    Dumb Down of America, as Espoused by Rush Limbaugh. Jump to Comments. Even as the U.S. faces enormous global economic competitive challenges to our standard of living, high school and college graduation rates are falling. Per capita, China has more college graduates in ... But just when we need to boost our national science and educational standards, the great leader of the far right, Rush Limbaugh, has taken aim against science and education. The four corners of deceit: ...

    Publish Date: 09/12/2010 11:53

    Is The U.S. Education System Too Broken To Fix? - Houston Music ...

    The U.S. Gov't is getting exactly what they wanted out of the U.S. Board of Education. A dumbed down population with no capacity for abstract thought. The plan was to keep you confused and unable to think independently and out of the ...

    Publish Date: 10/18/2010 14:30

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    Sunday, October 24, 2010

    Board Members of Atlanta Public Schools

    LOS ANGELES, CA - APRIL 14:  Peggie Jimenez (R...Image by Getty Images via @daylife
    Public Schools Board Member have been under firer for the mess going on inside the Atlanta Public School System. Many people want Dr. Beverly Hall to step down and get some new managment. Atlanta public schools have under fire since the alleged cheating scandal of the CRCT test among elementary and middle schools.

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    Wednesday, September 29, 2010

    Waiting for Super

    There is a lot of buzz about the new movie "Waiting for Superman". The educational system is not meeting the standards inside the United States of America. Bill Gates and others are putting together a plan to push American schools to the next level so that they can compete globally with nations. Oprah has made a big push with this new movie to a national audience to help reform the school system in America. Waiting for Superman has begin to open some eyes about how the U.S. competes globally with education.


    Waiting for Superman Trailer

    Geoffery Canada

    Tuesday, September 14, 2010

    Can You Read

    A lot of kids in school can't read and now one is really addressing the problem to help these kids learn better. I think schools should put phonics back into the schools. Many reading programs in the middle schools and elementary schools have more of a remote memory learning process for reading. Kids are not being taught how to read correctly in my opinion which is causing a lot of youngsters to not have a good foundation for learning.

    Home life plays a role in the learning of our children. We must look at alternative approaches to how kids learn so we can better their overall ability to read.

    Why Kids Cant Read

    Friday, September 10, 2010

    Re: Teacher Pay Cuts

    Schools force teacher furloughs to trim budgets

    The schools all across the U.S. are losing teachers do to money woes and budget crisis. In addition to some teachers being laid off they are also making teachers take days off without pay to help curve the budget and regain the millions of dollars the some how has come up missing in the school budget.

    ATLANTA — High school librarian Melissa Payne is starting her new school year with $1,000 less in her paycheck and three days that she'll be forced to stay home from her job.

    It's the same story across the country, where teachers — once among the groups exempted from furlough days — are being forced to take unpaid days off amid massive state budget cuts.

    Georgia is the only state so far to impose statewide furloughs for educators this fiscal year, though others are considering it. But furloughs are happening in individual districts in states such as New Mexico, Florida and California, said Ed Muir, deputy director of research and information services for the American Federation of Teachers.

    For teachers like Payne, furloughs hurt a salary that already stretches thin most months.


    She took a pay cut to move to a new school district in metro Atlanta this year, shortly before her new employer announced that all educators would be furloughed for three days. Now with student loans from graduate school and a brand-new home mortgage, Payne is frustrated.

    Thursday, September 9, 2010

    School Systems in Peril

    100 Atlanta school employees implicated in test cheating scandal

    Atlanta Public Schools are in peril due to the city wide cheating scandal. Most of the schools in the district have been under evaluation for cheating on the CRCT. Dr. Beverly Hall has been asked to step down because of the cheating test scandal.

    An investigation of suspected cheating at Atlanta Public Schools has concluded that as many as 100 employees at 12 schools violated testing protocols, the chairman of a special investigative committee told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution Thursday.

    Gary Price, chairman of the independent panel that was formed to investigate irregularities on state standardized tests at city schools, did not detail the violations, which could range from inadvertently violating test security rules to outright cheating. Price’s committee will release the key findings and recommendations from its exhaustive three-month inquiry on Tuesday.

    "I'm outraged, primarily because I think about 50,000 kids in this system," said Price. He has also declined to name the schools where these employees work, although school names will be included in the findings, he said. "If [students] don't perform well on these tests, if we've been passing people along through the system, that's the important issue.

    DeKalb fires 2, demotes 2 over sales of books written by administrators

    What is it for a principal to make a 100,000 a year and want a little more money.
    Several principals in the Dekalb county school system wrote books and then sold the books to the county totaling up to thousands of dollars. Princiapls who wrote books took it upon themselves to buy and sale copies of their own books which brought about the investigation.

    DeKalb County’s top school official is firing two principals and demoting two other officials after an internal investigation found school funds were used to purchase thousands of dollars worth of books that school administrators had written. The personnel moves came in response to an investigation into the book sales by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

    All told, the school system found three educators-turned-authors raked in a total of almost $100,000 in sales to district schools. One principal used her school’s funds to buy more than $11,000 worth of copies of her own book.

    Interim Superintendent Ramona Tyson said the investigation uncovered a misuse of school funds that was “alarming,” “disturbing” and “unethical.”

    In addition to the firings and demotions, Tyson outlined policy recommendations to the school board so the problem won’t happen again.

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